Queer & Trans Advocacy & Policy Resources

Queer & Trans Advocacy & Policy Resources

The Trevor Project

Through legislation, litigation, and public education, The Trevor Project is the leading advocate for LGBTQ youth mental health in preventative and intervention efforts at the federal, state, and local level to address factors that place LGBTQ youth at significantly higher risk of suicide.

Trans Legal Services Network Directory

A list of US organizations that serve and advocate for gender equality.

National Center for Transgender Equality

The National Center for Transgender Equality advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people. In the nation’s capital and throughout the country, NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice.

Transgender Law Center

Transgender Law Center is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, they employ a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.

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